Partners & Special Thanks
We have dedicated this page to giving special thanks to these specific people, organizations, and law enforcement agencies, and to giving recognition to our partners. We could not succeed without your help.
Code 9 Heroes and Families United
Their mission- Making First Responder Mental Health a priority. Our mission is to work towards positive change in the First Responder Culture as we continue to raise awareness, advocate and educate on the devastating effects of PTSD for First Responders and Families that could lead to suicide. We are working with many others towards making real change a reality.
Raising Awareness
We work together to continue to raise awareness to the devastating effects of PTSD for First Responders and their families
We work together to continue educating First Responders, Families, departments and the public on the rise of suicides for first responders. We work together to bring solutions and help
Training and Help
Code 9 is working together with organizations to help bring you the proper training to your department and community. We can also help find resources for first responders and families currently seeking help.
We extend our appreciation to Thin Blue Lina USA for their ongoing support of our mission. Thin Blue Line USA has donated multiple times, to include donations of stickers, wristbands and more to raise money for our organization. Thin Blue Line USA also contributed to the success of our First ever Trunk or Treat. We truly appreciate your ongoing support of our mission!

We extend our thanks to the Lorain Police Department for allowing us to have our meeting in their training room located within the agency. We truly appreciate your support.

We express our gratitude to 6 West Screen Print & Apparel for donating Volunteer t-shirts to our 2021 Trunk or Treat. Your support means more than we can express!
We extend our appreciation to Parmer Sportswear for donating t-shirts to support our 2019 National Police Week Fundraiser. We truly appreciate your support.

We send our thanks to ODOT Office of Program Management for providing materials for the Cops & Kids day in Harrisburg, Ohio.